What’s one of the most important – yet neglected – elements of your sales message? The call to action. That’s where you tell your prospects what to do next, e.g., call, write, subscribe, visit, view, or buy.
That’s silly, you might say. Everyone knows what to do, right? They know how to pick up the phone or shoot me an e-mail or swing by my office. Uh, don’t they?
Technically, yes. But your odds of success soar when you let your prospects know exactly what to do and how to do it. Better yet, give your call to action a sense of urgency by telling your clients when to act: today, by 3PM, this week, this month, now.
Also, don’t hide your call to action in some dark corner of your Web site or brochure. Make sure it stands out and that it communicates your message clearly. Each page of your site should tell readers how to reach you. What happens if they have to look too hard to find your contact info? They will get frustrated and run into the arms of your competition.
Need some call-to-action inspiration? Here are a few examples:
That’s silly, you might say. Everyone knows what to do, right? They know how to pick up the phone or shoot me an e-mail or swing by my office. Uh, don’t they?
Technically, yes. But your odds of success soar when you let your prospects know exactly what to do and how to do it. Better yet, give your call to action a sense of urgency by telling your clients when to act: today, by 3PM, this week, this month, now.
Also, don’t hide your call to action in some dark corner of your Web site or brochure. Make sure it stands out and that it communicates your message clearly. Each page of your site should tell readers how to reach you. What happens if they have to look too hard to find your contact info? They will get frustrated and run into the arms of your competition.
Need some call-to-action inspiration? Here are a few examples:
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